Admission to the university is within the purview of the Office of Admissions. Students
declaring Nursing as their major are admitted to the University as a Pre-Nursing major.
Pre-Nursing (pre-professional level) students can apply for admission to professional
level nursing once they have satisfied all general education, Gordon Rule, and foreign
language requirements. Note: Admission to the university does not automatically grant admission to the professional
nursing level.
The length of time in the pre-professional (Pre-Nursing) level will vary with the educational background of the student. The student must complete pre-professional requirements before admission to the professional level. Please note that the School of Nursing is a limited access program due to clinical limitations. Admission to the professional level is determined by the availability of space, not the size of the applicant pool. Therefore, satisfaction of all requirements does not automatically lead to admission to the professional level.
Applications for admission into the professional level nursing program are accepted May 1 - May 15 for fall admission and October 1 - October 15 for spring admission. Click here for more information on admission to professional level nursing.
Please Note: All applicants for professional level nursing must take the TEAS test and obtain a minimum score of "proficient" overall and for all sections of the assessment.
First-year nursing students are encouraged to join the School of Nursing's Living and Learning Community. In the Nursing Living and Learning Community (LLC), students will build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills during this first step of their journey to become a competent and compassionate nurse. For more information on the Nursing LLC, click here.