Experiential Learning Team:
As you embark on the path towards your nursing career, we are here to cultivate you along your journey. We provide custom education modalities that are tailored to the needs of the student. We are experienced educators that take nursing, science, and healthcare concepts and present it in an organized format that is easy to absorb. We offer personal consultations, group sessions, workshops, virtual webinars, and simulations.
In layman's terms, experiential learning is gaining a deeper understanding through discovery, relevant practice, or by actions. Our team presents students with the opportunity to foster deeper learning through a continuous cycle of discovery that enhances active learning. We provide a cycle of learning utilizing Kolb's learning cycle theory. This cycle involves four stages called concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation (Fewster-Thuente & Batteson, 2018).
Fewster-Thuente, L., & Batteson, T. J. (2018). Kolb's experiential learning theory as a theoretical underpinning for interprofessional education. Journal of allied health, 47(1), 3-8.
Name | |
Ms. K. Mitchell |
keniya.mitchell@famu.edu |
Mrs. K. Cooper |
kianga.cooper@famu.edu |
Ms. K. Waldo |
krystal.waldo@famu.edu |
Dr. K. Mathis-Gamble |
kala.mathisgamble@famu.onmicrosoft.com |